Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blog Topic #4: Organized Crime in India

The movie Slumdog Millionaire offered a small look into the world of organized crime in India, specifically the Mumbai area. With the increasing middle class and a growing economy organized crime has taken off in India, specializing in certain areas of the economy vital for continued growth for the nation. One such area is fuel. India's recent expansion of their auto-related infrastructure has demanded a massive increase in the amount of gasoline required to propel the nation into the future. Crime organizations have taken advantage of this reliance on petrol. This article is clear evidence of the struggle occuring between the Indian government and the "Oil Mafia." The "Oil Mafia" is an organization who attempt to extend gasoline profits by adulterating the gasoline with cheaper kerosene. The government official in the article was investigating stolen kerosene on a highway outside Mumbai when he was attacked and set on fire by two men on motorcycles.

Like many developing countries in the world, organized crime is a huge issue; and with India's ever increasing car-culture they can't afford to have such a disruptive organization in play. Yet with more recent government raids of suspected residences and nine men arrested in connection to this articles events perhaps this group will be brought under control quickly and this stain on India's growing success will be eliminated.

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