Thursday, January 20, 2011

Geography Blog Topic #1

I found this image and had a very interesting thought. American movies, even one's like this one that I haven't seen, are being viewed by people around the world; like Israel in this case. As one who is currently studying Hebrew, a language which is very different from English, it reminds me that cultures are not as different anymore; at least in some aspects. The blending of cultures will, in my opinion have a huge impact on the future. I think the trouble comes when we try to form a cohesive group while trying to maintain our own individual identity. For this reason I think cultural distinctions will always exist.

 I would also be curious to see what an Israeli thinks of movies like this, or if they like American movies at all. It also makes me wonder what kinds of messages we're sending out to the world. Cinema is a huge way to share culture and can heavily influence the way people in other parts of the world view us. Hopefully we don't look to bad.

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